The fact that my little baby girl is turning
ONE today really shows how fast a year goes by. Each and every single day of Olivia's first year have been wonderful. She gave me the best gift of all in becoming a mommy and I have loved each experience that it's brought. I never imagined that my daughter would have such an infectious smile, a silly personality, and a mischievous mind. She is perfect in every way and we find her to be completely hysterical. I cannot wait to see how she continues to develop and soak in the world around her in the days, weeks and years to come.

In the past month, Olivia has become a seasoned walker with impressive balance. She can squat down to pick things up without falling over and she has the perfect downward dog motion that she uses to get herself back up when she does take a tumble. And she's quick! The minute you turn your head, she sneaks away into the bathrooms or bedrooms to see what trouble she can stir up (which usually is trying to get a hold of the toilet paper!). And she totally knows when she is being naughty because when you find her, she breaks out into laughter. It's pretty cute.

Liv is really starting to understand a lot more and respond with actions. She loves to give high-fives and constantly is pointing at things, especially pictures around the house. She can point to her head when you ask about it and we're working on the other body parts.

Last night at 5am on the monitor we heard "Mama Mama Mama," which Sam promptly said that clearly Olivia was calling me. So I guess we can officially say that's her first word. Hooray! She's constantly blabbering and chatting all day long now which is adorable. She has lots to say and I love to listen :)

Likes: Looking out the front window, snacking on goldfish, walking around the house chugging water from her sippy cup.
Dislikes: Wearing hats, pineapple.
Favorite Books: "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?" and "Kiss Good Night"
Favorite Toys: Lovies
Favorite Food: String cheese
Up Next: Lots of fun playing at the park once spring finally arrives!