Tuesday, May 3, 2011

13 Months Old!

My sweet baby is totally a toddler in every way as she turns 13 months old today. It's remarkable how much she understands, whether it's bringing me something I ask for, clapping her hands when she hears it in a song, pointing to her head when I ask or finding the specific books she wants to read. She's even started to communicate what she wants through actions (she's figured out where I keep her snacks and likes to go into the cabinet and bring out what she wants.) She declares she's done eating by throwing her hands up over her head and whining to get out of the highchair. Such a big girl.

Olivia is becoming much more vocal and her babble sounds like she's trying to talk. She loves to wave and say "bye bye" in a delicate whisper which I find adorable. Her walking is incredibly sturdy and most of the times she chooses to run instead of walk.

Favorite Books: The Brown Bear, Brown Bear series (Polar Bear, Panda Bear, Baby Bear) and Olivia the Pig

Words: Mama, Bye Bye

Teeth: Three

Favorite Foods: Black beans, cookies, grilled cheese, ice cubes

Favorite games: Hiding in corners, sneaking into rooms when doors are left open

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