Sunday, January 31, 2016

My Birthday Man

My sweet middle-man Graham is officially four years old today. He's been calling himself the "birthday man" and it's funny because it feels like he's been "big" forever, yet he's just turning four. Over the past year, he's become so independent, confident, ambitious, and smart. Graham continues to love all sports- baseball, hockey, soccer, basketball and more. He's loved getting to play on teams this past year and is looking forward to spring soccer and summer t-ball. Grahamie knows his letters, writes everybody's name in the family, loves to sing kid songs in the car, plays house with Livie, and has some killer dance moves. His gentle and sweet side comes through when our younger baby friends are over or when he wants to help with Quinn.  Yet the wild boy rough-housing side of him is pretty common as well.
Since we've moved, G is loving life in the burbs. He loves playing with his other "broder" Pierce, our neighbor, on a daily basis and it's hysterical to watch them play super heroes, action guys and sport guys together. He loves going to First United Nursery School and all the adventures his class goes on. I think he often believes he's part of the kindergarten crew at Mann where he plays before school with the older kids just like he's one of them. Sometimes it's hard to think he actually has a whole other year of preschool before he's in kindergarten.
I love my alone time with my Bubba. Every day after lunch and putting Quinn down for a nap, Graham and I play board games, puzzles or games together.  It's such a simple, sweet time that we get to spend together and then we usually cuddle and have cozies putting him down for a nap.
Weight: 37 lbs 12 oz (67th percentile)
Height: 41.85 inches (83rd percentile)
BMI: 15.15 kg.m2 (32nd percentile)

Happy 4th birthday buddy.  We love you so much and can't wait to see all that's ahead for you this year.

Happy 4th Birthday Grahamie!

We started the dino birthday with dinosaur balloons and decor, donuts and presents.
 Then we had Graham's favorite breakfast- pancakes, sausage and fruit. Plus more presents from Grandma and Pop-Pop.
Up next, a special birthday outing to Build-A-Bear.
Meet Hearts, Kaner and Cutie Cute.
And capped the day off with Dad's meatball, spaghetti and ice cream cake with the Lambs.
What a great 4th birthday Bubba boy!

Friday, January 29, 2016

Graham's 4th Birthday Interview

Our big boy Graham is turning four!  Here are his 4th birthday interview answers as we get ready to celebrate him all this weekend:

  • Breakfast -- pancakes 
  • Vegetable -- salad
  • Drink -- milk
  • Lunch - Mac n cheese
  • Dinner - Mac n cheese
  • Toy -- light saber
  • TV Show -- PJ Masks, PAW Patrol
  • Game -- Hungry Hippos, Zingo
  • Book -- Dinosaur book
  • Holiday - Christmas 
  • Animal -- Hippos
  • Color - blue
  • Thing to do at school - play dinosaurs
What do you want for your birthday? Eat cupcakes and play.  

What do you love about each person in our family?
  • Dad:  I love playing with him. 
  • Mom:  I love playing in the basement and playing board games. 
  • Olivia:  Playing swords with her and making projects. 
  • Quinn: I like fighting him. 
  • Penny:  I like hugging her. 
Where would you like to go on vacation this year?  Florida because I love it. We go to the pool. 

What are some of your wishes for this year?  Have cupcakes. I want to do jumping jacks. 

What makes you happy? Being silly. And Livie. 

How old is your mom? 44

How tall is your mom? 30

What does Dad do for a job? Fixing stuff.

What is Dad's favorite thing to do? Play with me. 

What is Mom's favorite food?  Salad. 

What do you and Mom do together? Play games together before my nap. 

What makes you sad? Not playing with any friends. 

What is Dad’s favorite food? Spaghetti

What does our family like to do together? Play board games. Just Dance. 

What are you going to be when you grow up?  I am going to be a hockey player. 

Who are you going to marry? Nobody. 

Who are your best friends? Iliana, Peter, Evan, Wyatt and Pierce. 

Anything else you want to talk about now that you are four years old? No thank you.

Classroom Celebration!

Little brother Q rudely started eating his cupcake before the prayer was over...
Fun start to our boy's 4th birthday weekend!

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Moms night at FUNS


Liv's doing fantastic with her reading and writing. She can read aloud entire books (with great inflection too!). And here is some of her writing progress since the fall in her school journal. 

Saturday, January 23, 2016

18 Months Old!

Baby Q is somehow already 1.5 years old today. Our literally big boy recently has been expressing his desires to be treated like a big kid. No more tray for his booster-- he must sit at the table and use plates and silverware like the big kids. No more being carried to the car-- he must walk on his own like his siblings. He's exerting his independence and we're trying to accommodate his desires, within reason. Quinn's lack of communication skills have been causing him some frustration and tantrums because we can't always understand exactly what he wants. We're working to be patient and try to understand, while also encouraging his language skills and learning some signs.
Words: Mom, Da, up, daw (dog), dis (this), no, bas (ball), mo (more)
Favorite book: "Brown Bear, Brown Bear," "Very Hungry Catepillar," "Hippos Go Beserk"
Favorite food: Strawberries, Dr. Praeger Spinach and Broccoli bites, pizza, grilled cheese and tomato soup
Favorite treats: Oreos, cookies
Favorite activities: dancing to music, dancing to Just Dance, running sprints between walls, hiding in the nook next to the fireplace, jumping in the trampoline, hide n seek
Signature dance moves: "The Slide" and foot stomp
Teeth: Four on top, four on bottom with two molars breaking through
Weight: 29 lb 1.5 oz (95th percentile)
Height: 35 inches (99th percentile)
Head circumference: 48.3 cm/19.06 in (78th percentile)
Happy halfway to two Quinnie pie!
(cue pains in my heart that my baby is growing so quickly-- slow down time!)

Monday, January 18, 2016

Happy MLK Day!

Super Dad

Sam again proved himself to be the best dad and husband while I was gone. In zero degree weather, he took the kids to MSI, a girls high school basketball game, grocery shopping and the Y. 

And this Mama was very happy to see her little trio when she returned.
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