Saturday, January 23, 2016

18 Months Old!

Baby Q is somehow already 1.5 years old today. Our literally big boy recently has been expressing his desires to be treated like a big kid. No more tray for his booster-- he must sit at the table and use plates and silverware like the big kids. No more being carried to the car-- he must walk on his own like his siblings. He's exerting his independence and we're trying to accommodate his desires, within reason. Quinn's lack of communication skills have been causing him some frustration and tantrums because we can't always understand exactly what he wants. We're working to be patient and try to understand, while also encouraging his language skills and learning some signs.
Words: Mom, Da, up, daw (dog), dis (this), no, bas (ball), mo (more)
Favorite book: "Brown Bear, Brown Bear," "Very Hungry Catepillar," "Hippos Go Beserk"
Favorite food: Strawberries, Dr. Praeger Spinach and Broccoli bites, pizza, grilled cheese and tomato soup
Favorite treats: Oreos, cookies
Favorite activities: dancing to music, dancing to Just Dance, running sprints between walls, hiding in the nook next to the fireplace, jumping in the trampoline, hide n seek
Signature dance moves: "The Slide" and foot stomp
Teeth: Four on top, four on bottom with two molars breaking through
Weight: 29 lb 1.5 oz (95th percentile)
Height: 35 inches (99th percentile)
Head circumference: 48.3 cm/19.06 in (78th percentile)
Happy halfway to two Quinnie pie!
(cue pains in my heart that my baby is growing so quickly-- slow down time!)

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