Sunday, January 31, 2016

My Birthday Man

My sweet middle-man Graham is officially four years old today. He's been calling himself the "birthday man" and it's funny because it feels like he's been "big" forever, yet he's just turning four. Over the past year, he's become so independent, confident, ambitious, and smart. Graham continues to love all sports- baseball, hockey, soccer, basketball and more. He's loved getting to play on teams this past year and is looking forward to spring soccer and summer t-ball. Grahamie knows his letters, writes everybody's name in the family, loves to sing kid songs in the car, plays house with Livie, and has some killer dance moves. His gentle and sweet side comes through when our younger baby friends are over or when he wants to help with Quinn.  Yet the wild boy rough-housing side of him is pretty common as well.
Since we've moved, G is loving life in the burbs. He loves playing with his other "broder" Pierce, our neighbor, on a daily basis and it's hysterical to watch them play super heroes, action guys and sport guys together. He loves going to First United Nursery School and all the adventures his class goes on. I think he often believes he's part of the kindergarten crew at Mann where he plays before school with the older kids just like he's one of them. Sometimes it's hard to think he actually has a whole other year of preschool before he's in kindergarten.
I love my alone time with my Bubba. Every day after lunch and putting Quinn down for a nap, Graham and I play board games, puzzles or games together.  It's such a simple, sweet time that we get to spend together and then we usually cuddle and have cozies putting him down for a nap.
Weight: 37 lbs 12 oz (67th percentile)
Height: 41.85 inches (83rd percentile)
BMI: 15.15 kg.m2 (32nd percentile)

Happy 4th birthday buddy.  We love you so much and can't wait to see all that's ahead for you this year.

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