Monday, June 20, 2011

3rd Annual Talent Show

The opening act....
"Bieber Fever" by the kids

Basketball passing by Brendan and Finn

Cheerleading by Ellie

Hockey Playing by Seamus

"Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" by Saoirse and Colin (with a little help)

Balloon Animals by Aunt Meg

"Lucky Dogs" by Nana and the kiddos


  1. Hahahaha... all the above = AWESOME!!!
    And I love the new blog design :) xo

  2. You know that this is my favorite time of year....
    I must say I was very impressed by some of the adults this year....the blow up balloons & I'm a puppy dog performance by Mrs. Murray! WOW! Megan I had no idea. I couldn't see Ellie's cheerleader video :( Luckily I was able to see the Justin Beiber opening performance. Did not disappoint.


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