Monday, July 4, 2011

15 Months Old!

As Olivia turns 15 months old, she continues to take in the world around her on a daily basis and is learning at a rapid pace.  Her communication and comprehension skills seems to have tripled in the past month and at times I actually feel like we're having a conversation. Her toddler babble is constant and often is really sounds like she is speaking in sentences (even though I know that's not really happening.) Her vocabulary is starting to expand and others can actually understand what she is saying.
Liv loves to climb on all things, especially those that shouldn't be.  And she is constantly beaming pride about all her accomplishments. Literally she claps for herself throughout the majority of the day. It's very sweet.  I am loving this age and really enjoy each and every day Liv and I spend together.

New Words:  ball, daw (dog), bah (bath), uh-oh, whoa, Yah-Yah (we think that's Penny)

New trick:  Me: "What does a dog say?" ... Olivia: "ah ah ah" (pants like a dog)

Favorite Foods: breakfast sausage, pirates booty, water, ice cream

First sentences, or rather two word combos: "Hi Dada!",  Bye Dada!", and "What's that?"

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