Saturday, March 3, 2012

23 Months Old

Olivia is really becoming her own person these days and we are thrilled to have a front row seat.  She can be stubborn, silly, sassy and sweet all within the same minute.  Her language skills continue to develop and she is getting better at communicating what she wants.  She usually is very polite and uses her "pleases" and "thank yous" appropriately. Recently she's been showing an interest in sitting on the potty, so we've been giving it a try (even though all we've mastered is the sitting and flushing part). Since the fall, she's come a long way in her gross motor skills with the help of her gymnastics and soccer classes.  She can jump around like a jumping bean, do somersaults and log rolls, red light-green light running, kick balls, etc.
One of my favorite recent developments has been her imaginative play, whether with her little kitchen, her baby dolls or musical instruments.  It's so fun to watch her mimic behaviors correctly as she sweetly feeds her baby dolls or uses a hot mitt to get cookies out of her oven.

Favorite Phrase: "No. No no no."

Favorite Colors: Blue and Red

Favorite Number: Two

Favorite Books: "Olivia and the Babies" and "Oh, The Thinks You Can Think" by Dr. Seuss

Favorite Veggies: Corn, Tomatoes and Peas

Favorite Foods: Pepperoni, Cheese, Pizza

Favorite Fruits: Bananas, Blueberries, Apples

Favorite Treats: Oreos, Skittles and Dum Dums

Favorite Toy: Lovies and Baby Doll

My Favorite Sentences: "Thank you Mama" and "Please Mama"

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