Sunday, November 23, 2014

Four Months Old

 Quinn is already four months and just a delightful and easy-going baby. It doesn't take much to get a big toothless grin from him and he finds his older siblings to be very entertaining. He's on a great cycle of eating, playing and napping. Overnight is not so great, but hopefully he'll get the hang of longer stretches soon. Even when he is up crying overnight, as soon as I walk in, he smiles and coos immediately.  In that past week, Quinn's become very chatty and seems to babble constantly. He seems to suddenly have gone through a growth spurt and almost doesn't fit in any six month clothes anymore. Quinn can roll from his stomach to his back, but only has done the reverse a handful of times thus far. I am sure he will be on the move in no time, so we're aren't rushing him.
Weight: 15 lbs 10 oz (53rd percentile)
Height: 25 1/4 inches (46th percentile)
Head Circumference: 16.42 inches (50th percentile)
Happy four months Quinnie-pie!  We're excited to celebrate your first Thanksgiving and Christmas with you as part of our family this year. And we're extra thankful of how great of a baby you are.

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