Thursday, March 11, 2010

In Case You Haven't Heard...

It's no secret that Sam and I are both planners. On every report card growing up and even in my work reviews, my organizational and planning skills have always been at the top of my attributes.

So it should come as no suprise that Sam and I never hesitated to find out the gender of the baby - it didn't even once occur to us that we would let it be a surprise. (Confession: We even went three weeks before our 20 week appointment for an extra ultrasound because we were dying to know whether it was a girl or a boy!)

The day we found out the baby was officially a girl, we also named her Olivia...why wait, right? And once I started to get the nursery together, I didn't hesitate to put her name on the wall for all to see...


  1. Love it! I can't wait to see little Olivia in it!

    Lauren P

  2. I want to live in this room. Or at least I am hoping that you can do something similar to my bedroom when you find a little free time.


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