Wednesday, February 29, 2012

One Month Old!

Somehow our little Graham is already one month old! 
He weighed in at 9 pounds 3 ounces (25-50th percentile), 22 inches (75th percentile), and 15 1/4 in head circumference (90th percentile.)
Graham has proved to be a very sweet baby thus far.  He much prefers to be held and cuddled rather than put down.  He is starting to have more alert periods each day, but is still pretty sleepy anytime we are in the car or on the go.  Overnight he is a champ, often sleeping for four hour stretches.  His gas issues seem to be getting better each day, so hopefully his system is working everything out.  He definitely recognizes Sam, Liv and my voices and turns his head towards them.  His eyes seem to be getting bluer and bluer by the day.  Happy one month of life and happy leap year!

Somebody couldn't resist taking part in the photo shoot....

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