Tuesday, April 30, 2013

15 Months Old!

Graham turns 15 months old today and he continues to bring joy and laughter to our little family on a daily basis. He's can be sweet and cuddly one minute and be crazy and wild the next. He plays shy and attached to me initially, but quickly warms up and shows his silly personality. Liv and G play very well together, until he starts to pull her hair and squeals in delight. He's loving climbing all over the park, going down the slides, and can actually scoot along on Liv's scooter. He's super coordinated and able to get up and off furniture on his own.
His absolute favorite toy is the little green guitar and he carries it everywhere around the house with him (I need to document this because it's hysterical). It's particularly cute when he climbs up on the couch, sits back and starts strumming away.

Words: Mama, Dada or DA!, hi, bye, daw (dog), wah (water)

Phrases: Hiya Dada!

Favorite Foods: kiwi, pretzel sticks, toast, yogurt melts, pears

Teeth: Six.  Four on top, two on bottom (with two more on the verge of breaking thru).

Weight: 24 lbs 14 ozs (75th-90th percentile)
Height: 32 1/4 inches (85th-95th percentile)
Head: 18 3/4 inches (75th percentile)

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