Wednesday, July 31, 2013

18 Months Old!

Grahamie-boy is officially 1.5 years old! He's such a handsome fella and totally such a boy in every way possible.  Lately, he has some seriously epic tantrums where he throws himself on the floor, rolling all around in a dramatic fashion.  It's hard not to laugh because they are that absurd.
And to counter his crazy-boyness, he really continues to be the sweetest. He's started to love blowing kisses to people, whether they are strangers or not.  While out shopping, he's constantly waving and trying to get every ladies attention in the stores. He gives big embracing hugs that are unprompted and plants big kisses on my lips. Every night before bed, he gives Liv, Da and me big hugs and declares "nigh-nigh."

Likes: food, music, balls, dancing, brushing his teeth & hair
Dislikes: drinking milk from cups, when Liv takes toys away
Favorite Toys: scooters, green guitar, balls, my hairbrush
Favorite Treats: popsicles (he squeals "teeeet" every time I am near the freezer)
Phrases: Bye-bye Da, hi dog, nigh-nigh Mom, all done
Favorite Habits: washing his hands, doing downward dog
Weight: 26 pounds (75th percentile)
Height: 34 inches (85th percentile)
Head Circumference: 19 inches (75th percentile)
Happy halfway to two my bubba!

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