Friday, December 3, 2010

Happy 8 Month Birthday!

Sweet Olivia turned eight months old today. Her developments and changes keep coming rapidly and continue to amaze me. Her newest trick is holding on to things with just one hand and her balance is pretty good. She is a total crawling machine-- able to crawl up the stairs and gets herself up on top of things the moment you glance away. She loves to wave and grins from ear to ear in pride at her latest accomplishment. Her verbalizations seem to increase day by day and often sounds like she's starting to repeat noises. She's a wonderful sleeper, generally going 11 hours through the night with two naps during the day. And one of my favorite things are her wet, open mouth kisses that she plants directly onto your nose.
We started classes at Gymboree this week, and just like our music class, her smile steals the attention of the class. She really is one of the happiest babies with the sweetest smile. We're having a little bit of a mommy attachment lately which turns into a fake hysterical cry when I leave the room-- it does make one feel loved, but we're working on it!

1 comment:

  1. Her fat thighs are so fuckable, I'd love to lick her rolls and eat her tiny pussy


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